Add your name to our petitions and take a stand against greyhound racing
End greyhound racing in the United Kingdom
End greyhound racing worldwide
Stop the return of dog racing to Vietnam
Ask India to stop illegal motorcycle-dog races
End the commerce in Australian dogs
End the killing of dogs Down Under
Watch video and pledge to protect U.S. greyhounds
End the drugging of racing dogs worldwide
Phase out cruel dog racing in West Virginia
End dog racing in Ireland
Victory! Tell New Zealand Racing Minister to Stop Dog Racing Now
Victory! Stop the killing of greyhounds in Texas
Victory! Stop cocaine use in dog racing
Victory! Rescue over 500 greyhounds from China
Victory! Keep Kansas dog tracks closed
Victory! Stop innocent greyhounds from being electrocuted for racing
Victory! Stop the drugging and racing of greyhounds
Victory! Repeal the law requiring Florida gambling facilities to offer racing
Victory! Shut down the Canidrome, the world's deadliest greyhound racetrack
Victory! Stop export of Irish greyhounds to their deaths in China
Victory! End the Cruelty at Tucson Greyhound Park
Contact governors in U.S. states where greyhound racing is still legal
Write to leaders of dog racing countries
Shop to help save greyhounds
— Clover Moore, Vice Mayor of Sydney
Stay up to date and learn how you can help.